Focus on whatson the inside
Focus on whatson the inside

The inner voice is a basic feature of the mind.Īlthough the inner voice functions well much of the time, it often leads to chatter-the cyclical negative thoughts and emotions that turn our singular capacity for introspection into a curse rather than a blessing.

focus on whatson the inside

It involves silently signing to themselves, similar to how people who can hear use words to talk to themselves privately. Deaf people who use sign language talk to themselves too, though they have their own form of inner language. Some people who stutter, for example, report talking more fluently in their minds than they do out loud. The flow of words is so inextricable from our inner lives that it persists even in the face of vocal impairments. The fact that multiple spiritual traditions have both feared our inner voice and noted its value speaks to the ambivalent attitudes to our internal conversations that still persist today. They called it “deluded thought.” And yet many of these very same ancient cultures believed that their inner voice was a source of wisdom, a belief that undergirds several millennia-old practices like silent prayer and meditation. Around the same time, in the East, Chinese Buddhists theorized about the turbulent mental weather that could cloud one’s emotional landscape.

focus on whatson the inside

Some even considered these voices demonic. Early Christian mystics were thoroughly annoyed by the voice in their head always intruding on their silent contemplation.

focus on whatson the inside

Humanity has grappled with the phenomenon of the inner voice since the dawn of civilization.

Focus on whatson the inside